Studio News

A Reminder of Who We Are

We were touched and reminded of who we are here at Miller’s Dance after reading Stefanie Lein’s blog. It is and has been an honor for the Miller’s family to be able to touch the lives of so many young people with positive memories.

Every year the studio would have a recital. Every year Ernie and his wife would dance the very last dance in the show. It was a lovely and vulnerable and authentic moment. So much so that it made quite an impression on me in a time in my life when I don’t remember much detail. It was that special.

The deal is, Ernie and his wife and his beautiful daughters who taught in the studio WERE the studio.

Of course there were physical walls, and spring-loaded wood floors, and barres fastened securely to the walls. But the studio was Ernie. He created it. He carved out the space for it to exist. And he and his family populated it. They created the tone. They created the atmosphere. They created the philosophy. They lived it and breathed life into it.

Stefanie Lein, Biggest Girl In The Ballroom

Read more at Stefanie’s blog.

Whether our students are interested in recreational dancing or the pursuit of a professional dance career, the staff at Miller’s is dedicated to helping our students achieve their individual goals.